Monday, October 17, 2011

Fire Safety

Welcome to Fire Safety Week in Kindergarten!

Today and tomorrow both kindergarten classes will have a visit from the Hastings Fire Department.  The firemen will be talking to us about how to prevent fires from happening at home and what to do in case there is a fire in your house.  We learned that kindergarteners should stay away from candles, stoves, ovens, electrical outlets, lighters and anything else around the house that might be hot.  We learned that every house has smoke detectors (show your student where the smoke detectors are in your home) and they go off when they smell smoke.  If we see smoke, we should get on our hands and knees because smoke stays up high.  We talked about safely feeling the door to see if has fire behind it.  We talked about shouting loudly from a window if you are stuck, and to find a safe meeting place to meet family members away from the burning area.  Many students suggested that we meet at mailboxes, neighbors houses or a specific tree in the yard. Talk with your student about fire procedures in your house and where your meeting spot is.   We practiced calling 911 and talked about the important information to tell on the phone.  It is never too late to start teaching students their address and phone number. 

Students were each given a fire hat and a fire safety activity book.  The book is an optional set of activities for you to work through with your student.

Additionally, please continue to read all white phonics books that come home in folders. We read them together many times at school so students should be able to read them easily at home. Have them point to each word as they read it so they make the connection with the text and what they are saying.  It might be fun to create a special box or basket for students to collect and keep all white books so that they can read from them all year.

Check back later this evening for pictures from our fire safety presentation!

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